See the history of overseas investment in the insurance industry in japan property agency.

See the history of overseas investment in the insurance industry in japan property agency. At one time, there was a phenomenon in which people’s deposits moved from banks to insurance companies. In the 70-year history of insurance investment in Taiwan, the weight of the allocation of insurance assets to different assets is constantly changing, because the characteristics of the assets themselves are also changing with the economic development stage, local historical humanities, public preferences and companies japan property agency. In the future, how will the mainland insurance asset management investment change? The family sector prefers and is accustomed to deploying insurance products, and insurance wealth management products are highly sensitive to interest rates in Taiwan japan property agency. In the second year after the reduction of the long-term savings rate in Taiwan in early 2000, with the introduction of annuity insurance and investment insurance, insurance products can provide higher interest rates than banks and have insurance protection functions japan property agency. Therefore, the following year, Taiwan’s family sector allocated insurance products to the households. The proportion of assets has increased from 15.48% to 37.37%. From a global perspective, the characteristics and differences of insurance investment are inseparable from the two-wheel drive of underwriting business and capital utilization business japan property agency. Since the insurance business of most insurance companies in the global insurance industry is generally a loss, the overall operating status of the insurance company, whether the profit can be marked and the solvency is sufficient, mainly depends on the capital utilization business japan property agency. Insurance funds have the characteristics of large scale, long duration and relatively stable sources. Although the proportion of real estate investment has declined year by year, the absolute amount is still large. In 2013, the scale reached NT$716 billion. Today, insurance companies are still the largest investors in Taiwan-held real estate. Taiwan’s insurance co-investment real estate mainly adopts three modes, which stipulates that overseas investment of insurance companies can invest in foreign currency deposits, overseas securities and overseas lending. The regulatory rules have undergone several revisions in response to environmental changes. Taiwan’s insurance industry’s use of Chinese and foreign investment accounts for the first place in the world, which means that insurance companies face huge overseas investment risks and exchange risks. Taiwan’s financial regulatory authorities know that the risks involved are huge, but comprehensive consideration of insurance companies’ underwriting Problems such as excessive cost and limited capacity of domestic investable products are still forced to untie the restrictions on insurance investment and overseas investment. Although Taiwan has a relatively complete stock and financial futures options market, the bond market in Taiwan has not developed, the scale is small, the variety is single, and the yield is low, which can not meet the demand of insurance investment. The domestic market has a small capacity and low yield. Although Taiwan has established a multi-level and multi-variety capital market earlier, it can meet different types of financial needs of different levels of enterprises, including stocks, bonds and derivatives. However, subject to the size and volume of the economy, the corresponding capital market in Taiwan is not large, and the limited assets available to the insurance industry are limited.