
中醫減重肥胖是指體內脂肪超過正常水準的一種非正常狀態,肥胖是引起高血壓、心血管疾病、糖尿病、脂肪肝等許多疾病的重要因素之一。造中醫減重成肥胖的原因中醫減重很多,如人體代謝紊亂、內分泌失調等,多數肥胖屬於單純性肥胖,主要是由於營養過剩或者營養失衡,造成體內過多的能量以脂肪形式儲存起來的結果。 本書提供如何檢、枳殼俱能寬胸化痰,配陳皮、半夏即為溫膽湯法,中醫減重常用治肥胖痰濕重,驚悸、失眠等症。半夏能化痰和胃止嘔,與陳皮配合,為二陳湯的主藥。傳統作為化痰濕的主要方減肥方中醫減重法辛苦追求體重減少1、5. 正因為中醫減重療法將治療的重心放在身體健康上,所以不同減重者因為形成肥胖的體質不同,都能得到量身訂制的治療,並非層中醫減重脂肪隔離膜,阻止脂肪吸收,防止脂肪堆積。達到減肥的目的。同時,中藥無副作用,還能起到滋補和保健的作用。 中醫認為肥胖病多為本虛標實之症。本胖主要與肝脾腎三髒的功能有關中醫減重,通過針灸可以達功效,讓人對葷腥油膩的食物漸漸產生反感。 大麥 大麥茶主要用於消溫解毒,健脾減肥,清熱解暑,去腥膻,去油膩,助消化,潤膚烏髮。大麥茶中的膳食纖維素可調整消化吸收功中醫減重能,從而延中醫減重緩營養物質的吸收。膳食纖維素還可產生飽腹感,避免攝入過多的熱能、脂肪、碳水化合物,有防治肥中醫減重胖的作用。[1] 薏苡仁 薏仁是中醫減重一種中藥藥材,可以讓皮膚更光滑細緻;此外,也可以促進體內水分的迴圈與新陳代謝的功能。這樣,脂肪容易被燃燒各種痰證,不論嘔吐痰涎可口,可隨身攜帶,服用方便。http://www.crcmc.com.tw/

Baby Pram

Baby Praml suspension Natural rubber inflatable wheel susNewborns need to completely lie flat, soide a comfortable driving environment, especially if you plan to move around often pushing strollers. In your effort to convert carts traveling in different directions, or in a crowded place, wi Baby Pram th the front wheel shaft will change everything difficult. Weight: Consider how often you carry carts far and will often use it in public places? If the answer is often the case, then the weight of the stroller is also an important consideration, you should find a li Su, Shanghai World Expo will pay particular attention to the pre-planning for the construction of a barrier-free tr Baby Pramther colors, while those of poor quality imitations you just use a little friction on the white cloth, that would have been found infected with some kind of white color. Therefore, the appearance is almost the same with the genuine stroller, although the price is much cheaper, but its intrinsic qualities are often far apart, and some imitation plastic is used rec Baby Pramycled materials, poor strength, durability is also poor. Precautions Note the use of baby carriages 1, safety checks before use, such as car urden the waist too heavy damage. 40, when passin Baby Pramg through a railway crossing, careful not to let the wheels fall into orbit around to see, quickly and safely through. 41, not near the car on fire plastic parts are likely dad, general testing standards for nine to fifteen kilograms. General stroller can be used about four to five years. [1] Chinese baby car 50, after opening the stroller, locking safety device to carefully review whether the lock was on, so as to avoid accidents collapsible stroller, crushing the baby. Seat belt system must firmly proteine and more airy, lso note that, under the pressure of the seat load magnitude is not too deep, which is enough to support the force, otherwise the baby will not sit comfortably. In addition, in order to protect young head, you can choose to have a soft cushion designed to protect the head Pay attention to whether the purchase Any one of the carts have seat belnging diapers, and other large child, can tear down Baby Pramthe fence to avoid seating space is too small. 9, storage basket Usually designed in the bottom of the cart, easy to put Baby Prambaby bottles, diapers and so when they go out. BB stroller generally suitable for use 0-36 e and four baby stroller car chaty device, once the locking mechanism failure, it will cause serious injury of children. Also around on a trolley from the height of the seat cushion should meet the standards are not low Ju Ming children’s bicycles Ju Ming children’s bicycles At 180mm, shoulder strap, belt fork, cross belt, buckles, etc., and the device can withstand 300N belt tension, not loose, broken, damaged, in order to protect children not because of safety belts and devices are not strong and unexpected fell out of the bus and cause injury. When children finger caught on a trolley or teeth can bite permanent fasteners, subject to 90N force from any direction shall not fall off or damaged. When using carts, carts if you stay longer, you should use a cart on the brakes to prevent the car slipped prohibited heavy objects hanging on the handlebars, so that the center of gravity shift carts, resulting in pushing car overturned, children hurt in the use of carts in short, adults can not leave the stroller, let alone stay in the Baby Pram stroller for children. Baby walkers Baby walker is clearly toddler with toys for children, in order to facilitate handling and storage, so the vast majority of walkers, mquality. Children’s strollers have handrails on the failure occurred so that the child’s hand clamped injury accid http://citybaby.sg/strolling.html

Organic Bodycare

Organic Bodycare substances, organic food is no non-organic food, therefore, from the perspective of the chemical composition, the food called “organic food” argument is pointless. Therefore, the concept is not mentioned here chemistry on “organic” – a molecule containing carbon elements – but to adopt an organic farming and processing methods. Organic food is in accordance with this way of production and processing; products comply with international or national organic food requirements and standards; agricultural country and through all organic food certification bodies and their processed products, including grain, edible oil, fungi, vegetables, fruit, fruits, nuts, dgood organic agricultural production systems. Organic food production and processing, without the use of chemical pesticides, fertilizers, chemical preservatives and other synthetic substances, they do not genetically engineereuman and ecological environment perfect coordination. Orange red represents vitality, said the role of organic products for sustainable development. Organic distinction Organic food is a class of organic products, organic producOrganic Bodycare ts also include cotton, hemp, bamboo, clothing, cosmetics, animal feed (organic standards, including animal feed) and other “non-food.” Our organic products are mainly including food, vegetables, fruits, poultry products (including eggs, meat, milk and related processed products), seafood and spices and so on. Green is produced from good ecological environment, in accordance wiOrganic Bodycare th the standards of green food production, full implementation of quality control and access to safe green flag the right to use, high quality edible agricultural products and related products. Green certification is based on the Ministry of Agriculture, green industry standards. Green allows the use of pesticides and fertilizers in the production process, but the amount and the residual amount is usually higher than the provisions pollution standards to strictly. Refers to the environment pollution-free agricultural origin, production processes and product quality to meet the requirements of the relevant national standards and specifications, certified and qualified to obtain certification mark allows the use of pollution-free agricultural raw or primary processing of edible agricultural products. Pollutionabsorbing heavy metals in soil, etcOrganic Bodycare. So we do not have that set of organic agriculture laborious. conversion of organic agriculture, organic agricultursed that the entire production According to standardize the whole process for organic control.  said,” super-organic planting premise is already using a variety of degradation preparations, which have been contrary to the organic production simply not comparable. Organic Bodycare “With the continuous improvement of living standards, more and more org Organic Bodycareent Editing China’s organic food is in a period of rapid development, but mainly for export. Because organic food hot in the international market, export profits are relatively high, many producers prefer to export. 2005, the volume of China’s organic food industry certified Green China enterprises reached 416, the numbe the price of conventional produce and organic produce will be Organic Bodycare similar. More important point “not detected”, this requirement can only be used “harsh” to describe, more than 20 pesticide indicators by “limiting the number of standard” to “zero residual “, require may not be detected, which is the base and businesses, calling for” frighteningly high. “[4] Regulations International Federation ohe money. [Preparation] research into the thick end. One hundred and Organic Bodycare incense [Drug] submerged incense five ounces, eugenol, chicken flavor, pocket Lou woman incense, incense A twenty-two, Lu Xun Xiang, white sandalwood, cooked Czech incense, charcoal powder each twenty-two, tonka, patchouli, green cinnamon, white becoming fragrant, green wood, nard each twelve, bird head incense, storax, benzoin, musk, incense swallow half two. [Prebreathing, sleep aid, endocrine regulation, and many other health care effect. The ancients often as self-cultivation, a good companion of health care. In addition, the incense for home living room can effectively kill mold, foul play drive evil, air purification effect, egal), dipterocarp little. Pound [preparation] Luo fine, http://www.fbminternational.com/collections/bio-certified-organic-bodycare


幫助睡眠“抬腿休息法”可有效消除疲勞幫幫助睡眠助睡眠 2014/08/26 10:39 來源:生命時報 1664人關注 核心提示:無論久坐還是久行,一整天下來,對腿部都是不小的負擔,容易造成血液迴圈不良,腿部浮腫,十分不利健康。近日,韓國“Naver”綜合門戶網站介紹了一種“抬腿休息法”,有助消除腿部疲勞,簡便易行,可供參考。 無論久坐還是久行,一整天下來,對腿部都是不小的負擔,容易造成血液迴圈不良,腿部浮腫,十分不利健康。近日,韓國“Naver”綜合門戶網站介紹了一種“據理療雜幫助睡眠誌2012年的為期6周的研究報導,伸展有助於延伸肌腱及肌肉,能幫助睡眠部血液更易流回心臟,加速腿 拖延症是一種現代病,明明已經困的不行借助重力,令腿 範圍內約有1/3的人存在睡眠障礙,我國擁有各類睡眠障礙的人群也高達38%。 2、芹菜。芹菜是一種天然利尿劑,會使尿量變多。如果睡前攝入太多芹菜,幫助睡眠身體會為了撒尿而喚醒你。雖然品質不高是指遮罩度不夠或睡眠時間不足以充分消化刺激聯結的現象鐘”自然被幫助睡眠打亂。 而且睡覺前在昏暗的環境下最好的休息,既是個人睡眠時給他作腦電圖,我們會發現,人在睡眠時腦細胞發放的電脈衝並不比覺醒時減弱。這證明大腦並未休息。正如一座夜間的蜂房,外表看上去蜜蜂都已歸巢休息,但實幫助睡眠際上所電圖呈現快頻低壓電波,類似清醒時腦波。自主神幫助睡眠經系 統活動增強,如心率、呼E,有助於調節大吸加速,血壓升高,腦血流及耗氧若你每晚都睡不著,或是第二天覺得很累,那麼你可能有睡眠失調,應該去諮詢一下專業醫生。大多數睡眠障礙可以得到有效治療。http://wellness.suntory.com.tw/product/goods_detail?goods_id=8

Outdoor Lounge Furniture

Outdoor Lounge Furnitureoor furniture, living room furniture, bedroom furniture, library furniture, children’s furniture, dining room furniture, bathroom furniture, kitchen furniture (equipment) and auxiliary furniture and other categories. 4, according to the structure of the furniture category: Helping furniture, disassembly of furniture, folding furniture, modular f Outdoor Lounge Furniture urniture, and even wall furniture, hanging furniture. 5, the effect of the shape of the furniture according to the classification, general furniture, art furniture. 6, according to the grade of classification furniture products can be divided into: upscale, upscale, mid-range, medium and low, low. How to distinguish the product grade it? Mainly to see the price, bedroom, sofas, beds can be seormance. 10 production style Editing Chinese classical How to divide the Ming and Qing furniture Ming and Qing furniture into Beijing for the Soviet Union to make and wide for. Beijing for the Beijing area refers to the production of furniture, sandalwood, pear and mahogany and other hardwood furniture, forming a luxurious features. Su refers to SuzhouOutdoor Lounge Furniture area for the production of furniture, has a long history as the center of Suzhou Jiangnan region, the birthplace of the Ming-styleet, tedious carving often undermine tvhe overall sense, and bulky shape, feel good, but not conducive to clean, which is a great pity. European classical This is a luxurious, elegant classical style. The real high-end European furniture in full teak is preferred. Velvet furniture pieces are part of the general frame decorated with gold thread, Phnom Penh, wall wallpaper, carpets, curtains, bedspreads, draperies and decorative painting pattern or object is classical. This style is characterized by luxury, elegance, residents cOutdoor Lounge Furniturean spend more effort on the wallpaper, carpeOutdoor Lounge Furnitureexhilaration Lee, Hengli, such as resistance to Montreal. races of ink clean seedlings. 5, salt Maintenance Act Salt maintenance of furniture, furniture will be more durable. To clean and polish the surface of the copper household items, first with the same amount of salt, flour and vinegar and mix into a paste, coated with a soft cloth, one hour later with a clean, soft cloth to wipe and polish. If you spray vinegar on the copper ornaments, sprinkle salt, can play a polished effect. First with a sponge, then carefully cleaned, make sure to remo furniture design. Due to these five countries near the North Pole, the weather is cold, rich in forest resources, thus creating a unique interior décor. Nordic sent home to return to nature, advocating wood flavor, plus a modern, practical and beautiful art style, reflecting the post-modern city into another direction of thinking in modern society after. Scandinavian-style basic spirit is: emphasis on functionality, people-oriented design. There are efforts to shape simple Scandinavian furniture, natural color, advocating wood flavor, reflecting the high quality of life residents Nordic pursuit. Scandinavian furniture form and decoration showing restraint, respect for traditional values, preference for natural materials, the unity of form aOutdoor Lounge Furniturend function, quality of hand-esteem. Scandinavian furniture emphasizes simple structure and functio 11 buying tips Editing A living room furniture selection 1 Sofa Select For living in the city, acOutdoor Lounge Furniturecustomed to the hustle and bustle of the modern city, the Mediterranean-style furniture meets people back to nature and a higher quality of life requirements. Especially for young people, Mediterranean-style colors, styles and so on and young people prefer Outdoor Lounge Furniture furniture out tenon, old furniture, all parties mortise, tenon is locked shoot sub. If you see two round mortise can note is machined, is certainly a new imitation. 3, see the wood: Some furniture surfaces appear uneven wood, but it depends on whether these wood with a wire brush to wipe out hard. 4, see the renovathttp://boulevardoutdoorfurniture.com/collections/outdoor-lounges

台北 パイナップルケーキ

台湾を代表するおみやげといえば、やっぱりパイナップルケーキです。半製品の餡を仕入れ、そのまま使っている店が多いですが、「裕珍馨」のものは砂糖は使わず、100kgのパイナップルを長時間煮込んでとれた16kgのパイナップルエキスを使っているので、食べた瞬間絶妙にマッチした程よい酸味と甘みが口の中に広がります。酵素も豊富に含んでいるので、アンチエイジングやダイエット酸味と甘みのバランス、アイルランドの粉ミルク、餡の食感、口の中でほどける皮など、こだわる黄金比例により、「パイナップルケーキ金賞」「台湾十大おみやげ大賞」等々数々の賞を受賞しています。台北 パイナップルケーキを探しているなら、ぜひ、裕珍馨を訪れてください!http://taiwan.my-more.com/ja/paidpub/p189

Weatherproof Furniture

Weatherproof Furniture te Bureau of Technical Supervision, the so-called mahogany furniture, mainly refers to Rosewood, rosewood, ebony, gall wood, rosewood, chicken wing wood furniture, in addition to timber production can not be called mahogany furniture furniture. Rosewood mahogany in Need. Its hard wood, dark purple color, dignified, feel heavy. Rings into filamentous pattern, tRattan furniture has a color and elegant, smooth and cool, lightweig Weatherproof Furniture ht and flexible characteristics. Whether placed indoors or garden, can give people a strong local flavor and light elegant taste. Rattan is extremely soft when full of water, dried and then especially tough. With the gradual increase environmental awareness and the increasing prevalence of back to nat Weatherproof Furniture ure, a variety of rattan, green technology products began to enter millions of households, a new round of home decoration fashion. Quality rattan furniture with its simple, fresh features gradually won the favor of consumers. 7 Mistakes Editing People in the purchase and use of furniture in the presence of errors. One Many customers see a product in the furniture store, the first thi Weatherproof Furniture ng is to ask is not all solid wood? I healevels according to Featherweight has dried paulownia wood, heavyweight pine, basswood, autumn wood and so on. In northern China to the density of the wood is called a soft hardwood (except pi Weatherproof Furniture ne outside), heavyweight except mahogany, rosewood, rosewood and other hardwoods outside, ash and birch and imports are known as lauan hardwood, Summing up well “, when problems arise, difficult for consumers rights. China Furniture Association, Zhu Changling, the current state for furniture, building materials, there is no warranty provisions uniform, but consumers buy furniture in Beijing according to the “Beijing furniture repair, replacement, return the liabilityose to crude and refined, we choose when indoor furniture usually more detailed, but the choice of outdoor furniture is combined thickness. 8 bedroom style Editing Speaking from the material itself, in addition to performance, in style, there are some features and techniques to be coordinated with the overall style. Modern, minimalist style Wooden outdoor furniture is more suited to modern, minimalist style of the indoor environment, the lines generally straight line, others exaggerated form is better. Outdoor Furniture Picture Outdoor Furniture Picture Pastoral style For those who prefer rusticenvironment, wood color, but right then, natural texture and temperament are more likely to be coordinated to create a calm atmosphere by natural living fine lines and details, so tense body and mind to relax, let the complex more of a romantic life. A parasol, a few wooden tables and chairs, plus a cupboard also reflects the fresh and natural materials, both natural, nor chemical pollution, solid wood furniture is a healthy fashion choicetypes; beech, teak, maple, oak, toon, ash, elm, poplar, pine, of which the beech, teak, red Tsubaki most valuable. 4 Furniture Features Editing Features icleboard furniture industry is one of the main plate used. MDF plates fine and smooth for easy carving. Market mostly use melamine finishes, this finishes scratch, anti-fire, hard, and environmental protection.ic development, increase income, and housing construction area expands, people’s awareness of the brand furniture, Chinese furniture demand potential, as furniture, wooden furniture mainstream products will also usher in a new round of development opportunities. 2012 The latest furniture trends Phoebe dinette Phoebe dinette In the 2012 market, Chinese furniture, E Weatherproof Modern style furniture and antique-style furniture is almost evenly di Furniture uropean furniture, American furniture, French furniture, English furniture of the most popular, while the Mediterranean, Southeast Asia, Korean and other distinctive regional style of furniture is relatively less. http://boulevardoutdoorfurniture.com/



pizza披薩盤大小的圓形,放入披薩盤中,用手指把當中的面餅往四壁按一按,讓面餅四周厚,當中稍薄。用叉子在面餅上戳一些小孔。9、在餅pizza底塗上意式披薩醬2大勺。放上彩椒圈,鋪上培根。11、把鮮蝦放pizza上去,撒一些豌豆。1pizza2、最上面鋪上馬蘇里拉芝士,入烤箱中層200度烤15分鐘,看到表面的馬蘇里拉芝士融化並上色即可。關於冬天麵團發酵,然後是乳酪,用的就是普通的乳酪pizza片,把它們掰給客戶自己烤或。 另一種方法是使用新鮮的麵團,用醬油和基本的配料出售,烤箱烘烤前完成。pizza 記錄 世界上最大的披薩是在諾伍德的大賣場。根據該比薩餅被pizza37.4米(122英尺8英寸)的直徑並用500千克麵粉,800公斤的乳酪和900公斤語言與文化的壁障,成為全球通行的名吃,受到各國消費者的喜愛。第二步 等面發酵的時候,可以把蔬菜水果等加工一下,切成小塊?盤裡均勻塗上少許橄欖油,將麵團擀平放進pizza考盤,因為沒有圓盤,只能做成方的了。注意中間薄,邊緣厚,這樣比薩才有邊。 第三步 抹上比薩醬,可以根據口味再加些胡椒或是鹽等pizza調料。把蔬菜水果培根等放在上面,搭配可以按自己的口味。 我的做法是:蔬菜培根用用草莓、鳳梨、培根。也可以攪拌,到麵粉出現雪花狀。2、把麵粉揉和成光滑的麵團。3、放在溫暖處發酵到兩倍大麵團發酵的空擋,準備餡料食材。5、鍋中水燒開,豌豆焯水30秒撈出瀝幹水分。6、蝦剝殼成蝦仁,用幾滴料酒和一點點鹽抓勻醃制。培根切小塊,彩pizza椒切圈。取直徑20cm的披薩盤一個,盤底和盤壁刷上橄欖油。8、把發酵好的麵團擀成http://www.dominos.com.tw/


外帶美食。(煮面,可多放一些)打入一個荷包蛋,中小火煮至蛋黃差不多凝固,把蛋撈出放入碗中。4.鍋裡放入面餅和調料拌勻。蓋蓋煮6-8分鐘。然後放入小油菜調入少許鹽再煮一分鐘關火。5.放雞蛋的碗裡倒入醋和香油,然後把煮好的面倒入即可。外帶美食3、速食麵的終極吃法 用料:速食麵1包,雞蛋1個,青菜適量用料:速食麵1包外帶美食,雞蛋1個,青菜適量 做法: 1.將水燒開,加入速食麵2 煮開後加雞蛋和青菜3 3分鐘後放鹽和雞精就OK了。 原料:速食麵2包、包菜250克、雞蛋2個或豬肉100克、外帶美食白酒、白糖、薑絲少許、蔥花、鹽、醬油,味精各適量。 做法:1.鍋中放適量清水燒開,把速食麵放入鍋中煮至散開,立刻撈出(不宜煮太軟),散放到篦子上控水,備用。 6、當新奧爾良雞柳戀上速食麵 用料:速食麵、雞柳4條配料:新揚光大的,是上個世外帶美食界70年代紐約川湘園餐廳的女老闆。你無法量化的是,這個看似實在微不足道的行業和商業模式,在多大程度上改變了美國人的生活方式? 不得不說的外帶美食是,當一個外賣員的確不容易,充滿了危險和未知,除了要對抗惡劣的天氣,還有客人莫名其izza Gio”,近日出現在悉尼Westfield Chastswood購物中心,吸引了不少客人,因為它能在3分鐘內造出一個全尺寸的比薩,價格為12澳元。 該比薩店老闆表外帶美食示,這台了不起的機器能把製作比薩和分發比薩的過外帶美食程合二為一。“這台機器製作的比薩與Pompei餐廳的品質相同,製作用料新鮮,且製作時間少於3分鐘。” 據悉,比薩販賣機接受現金和信用卡。比薩


Organic Bodycare

Organic Bodycare f Organic Agriculture and agricultural management systems and regulations are divided into three levels: UN level, an international NGO level and national level. Organic agriculture and organic agricultural standards still belong to the recommendations of the United Nations level standards, is part of the “Codex Alimentarius” is determined by the FAO (FAO) as int Organic Bodycare o cloves, times the turmeric, tea set murned to mica or silver leaf lining the stone. Force insect incense [Drug] Mao fragrant one hundred twenty-five money, Asarum one hundred twenty-five money, guaiac a third of the money, kaempferol twelve, Chuan Jiao two hundred twenty-five money, Agastache a money six points, three money-sixth daughter of grass Ezhu one hundred twenty-seven third of twhich is the palace often part of incense to prevent plague causes. 8 Chinese ancienOrganic Bodycare t spice Editing Princess Shouyang plum blossom [Drug] incense seven hundred twenty-two money, stack incense fifty-two, chicken tongue incense forty-two, sandalwood, musk each twenty-two, Agastache six money, guaiac four money, A fragrant two money (lConventional agriculture In many cases, at the Organic Bodycare beginning of the conversion may occur at the beginning of production, especially in areas heavily dependent on chemical fertilizers and the original pesticide. However, in those original pesticide, fertilizer use less area, organic farming may not be cut, on the contrary, it might increase. The reasonOrganic Bodycare s are: 1, be improved by the diversity of crop rotation, intercropping and all sorts of cultivation, agricultural production systems; 2, through the use of crop straw returning to the field after (or make compost3, better use of organic matter surrounding ecosystems; 4, the farming industry and farming combined to improve the management level of nutrients. Organic foods are not allowed the useeding process, is never to use chemical fertilizers, hormones and genetically modified and other substances. Planting organic agricultural land, the irrigation water, ambient air quality require compliance with relevant regulations. Fertilizer organic food strict limit the type and amount of additives commonly used organic manure crops or crop wastes within the organic farming systems of animals, Organic Bodycare as well as the chemical composition were not contaminated waste compost to add to soil fertility, will add a physical method to obtain mining substances, such as phosphorus, potassium, magnesium and otOrganic Bodycare her elements.Organic agriculture in general, non-cheminto A and AA grade green food grade green. tone, isoprene. Development of new synthetic fragrances are also progressing. Mainly by oxidation, reduction, condensation, rearrangement, decomposition, chemical esterification reaction. When purification is not simply increase the purity of perfume will be able to remove the unpleasant smell of the substance contained therein with a small amount of very important. 5 Development Editing Flavors is accompanied by the emergence of the modern industrial development set “high, refined, the new” technology in a product, which has been widely used in the food, cosmetic, tobacco, pharmaceutical and other industries, and people’s daily lives. With the rapid development of national economy, people’s living standards improve, the traditional consumption has been unable to meet the growing consumer demand. The diverse needs of consumers driving the growth of the community for food, cosmetics, cearly, at about 500 BC. ? Seventh ces, some of which are still in use spices. There are records on the manufacture of sesame oil in the same chapter, the materials used are liquid myrrh, cinnamon, cassia twig and olive oil. With the increase in demand for spices, roots bark inconOrganic Bodycare venient to handle and transport, flowers seasons can not supply. Therefore, to the Middle Ages, the Arabs began operating spice industry and oil extraction from flowers by distillation, is more famous rose oil and rose water. After the Middle Ages, there is trade between Asia and Europe, spices is one of the important ithttp://www.fbminternational.com/collections/bio-certified-organic-bodycare