presentation Course

vation in curriculum presentation Coursecontent Yanxishe finishing together, welcome to forward share, website or periodical reprint please contact micro letter warmly11. Explore demand, validation requirements, cut into the demand is the first step towards a presentation Coursesuccessful product on January 16 / 17th, Shanghai, members free Yanxishe pr presentation Courseoduct Pok hospital Lesson “Users and needs analysis” Airbnb, U presentation Coursenited States together superior product, love space, 91 assistant presentation Courseprofessors Yangtze five cattle guide to teach you how to tap user dd foundation. How to improve recruitment “hit” rate? “high percentage” means recruitment talent both at work sustained outstanding performance, but also stay with the company a long time. For me, I want to introduce people how to improve the hit rate, it structured with materialistic. Here I introduced 4S tool. In addition to considering other than professional compete presentation Coursence, Pok calendar, etc., we have the future potential of the people, especially in the rapidly changing environment, this one can not be susta boss up, but in the middle fault, this is what I read a lot of business in general phenomenon. The ability of the best business-related culture method is practice and training. For example, expanded responsibilities, Tencent Muyu set up studio, the studio is a closed loop of all, to presentation Course the property of others more authority, just as the general manager in charge of all questions have to think this is the best training of personnel soil. The second is rotation. Facebook he has a similar rotation of Hack-a-month culture, do your own job after a full year, you can apply to the one you’re interested in doing a project team in a month, after which he can decide whether to finish the month not to stay in the team now or sweep team. This line of thought is to consider how to build an inrtments are not so severe, I feel like I do not need very strict. One is that he did not want to face the pressure. 3, emotional baggage presentation Course(old courtiers); there are some early employees, the presentation Coursecompany made major contributi ple, but the proble presentation Coursem is that these are good employees have a lot of graduation offer (letter of appointment). May this time of year, Gates will dry than thou one thing to call. If Microsoft give you a offer, you still wavering, in May, when you receive such a call, the phone say the opposite, I was Bill Gates than thou, you are certain it? This time we allds a negative message. In this area the company which industry do well is possible. Then people will think anyway, I try to work hard, doing a good job well done all this. Why the majority leadership of the eople feel that the company is very concerned about him, he attaches great importance to Microsoft every year Merchants are very good peoknow what it feels like, may be shocked. Then Gates than thou tell you so and so, I am very sincere to invite you to join our team together to change the world. If Gates than thou speak these words, it will not affect your decision? This is beyond doubt. Business skills in order to fight the idea that authorization not to micro-manage the team in charge of the self-ar, some relatively tolerant corporate culture, he felt why other depahand, know your every post there is no presentation Coursespare tire, no spare tire how to do? Otherwise the internal speed up the training, or else external introduction, or other departments rotation. If you are not properly handled, and sometimes, you come back to these peoplelower volume effect fails to timely and effective treatons toward entrepreneurship time. Company executives can easily think these people have no credit Ku labor. 4, the lack of replacements. This man is not good, I want to kill him, but no later than kill him better. Annual talent to do inventory, inventory after you know how many cards the