held in Nept eternity ring

Diamond Jewellery Show, held in Nept eternity ring. 7-19, 1932, at the Chanel House, 29 Saint Honore Street, Paris. “The French “L’Intransigeant” daily newspaper first released this exclusive news on October 26 eternity ring, 1932: “On November 7, the world’s leading fashion designers created the first high-end jewelry design series, which will unveil the mystery eternity ring. This time, the work released is very special. It is no longer the costume jewelry that she used to decorate for clothing, but the high-end jewelry series with platinum and diamonds. “In 1932, under the stars of Paris, Ms. Chanel held this grand jewellery show in her private apartment. On November 6, 1932, it was a Saturday eternity ring, the official opening of the exhibition, the original preview was only open to the media. However, the celebrities have not waited for the official launch the next day, and they have come to the wind. Dozens of cars carrying ladies and ladies have grown up and stopped at the door of No. 29 St. Honore Street. Chanel’s jewelry exhibition is sensational. Throughout the upper class, almost all celebrities have arrived. This jewellery exhibition announces a new era: in the mansion with tall floor-to-ceiling windows, Chinese lacquered screens, baroque mirrors and crystal chandeliers, Ms. Chanel Breaking the rules, carefully placed some translucent half-length wax figure models to display jewelry, rather than in jewelry boxes eternity ring. The purpose of this jewelry exhibition is not to exaggerate the largest or rarest precious stones in the safe eternity ring. Instead, women’s special perspectives have been designed for women with high-quality jewellery that truly complements their beauty and reveals their inner taste. 1932 Bi The joux de Diamants diamond jewellery collection was exhibited at the Chanel Women’s Apartment photo by Robert Bresson as the first fashion designer involved in jewellery creation. Her bold and avant-garde style completely overturned the Parisian jewellery world with the Fontaine Square as the core. The real revolution. The entire city of Paris admires this brave woman. “This woman, neither a jeweler nor a diamond expert, has resolutely devoted herself to the field of fine jewellery.” This feminine and feminine event is dazzling, also Once witnessed the high-jewelry design can be so free and creative. In 1937, Ms. Chanel was on the balcony of the Ritz Hotel Suite in Paris. “I hope my jewelry is light and fit, like a ribbon wrapped around a woman’s finger” Chanel Once said, in order to set off the beautiful face of the ladies, all the designs she designed can hardly see any buckles or diamond-studded brackets, in order to make the work light and stylish, showing the ultimate flexibility. Therefore, she designed The diamond tail of the comet necklace is drawn across the neck, which makes the neck more white and sturdy. ; Asymmetric shape of the diamond meteor Pentagon coiled on top of bracelets, rings and brooches, bright.But perhaps, even she did not realize that her love for the stars, the moon, and the cross of Malta can be traced back to childhood. She has always been vocal about her childhood experiences, and she has reshaped and beautified this time in her own unique way. In 1895, when Chanel died at the age of 12, her father died and her father abandoned her at the Obasin Monastery in Correz.
