singapore interior design

Be warned though — once you start, you just can’t seem to stop! Author’s Resource singapore interior designBoxJohn Wigham is a professional author and co-owner of Patterns Patch an online cross stitch community dedicated to counted cross stitch singapore interior designand assisting each cross stitch beginner.Are You A Zombie Hunter   Author : Rashid Kotwal Submitted : 2009-09-10 19:02:55    Word Count : 739    Popularity:   5 Tags:   advertising, marketing, online business, lead generation, sales, sales optimization, sales strategies, prospecting   singapore interior designAuthor RSS Feed I can hear you asking, “What’s a zombie hunter and how does this relate to me?” Let’s spend a second defining zombie. A zombie is that mythical figure of the walking un-dead. It relates to you, as a lot of singapore interior designyour customers may well be defined as zombies.  Here’s the scenario:  When people first go into business, there is a direct tendency to grab anyone who breathes and define them as a customer. You are so eager to “get” a client, that almost anyone who will pay will do. As a direct result, you end up with a lot of clients who are low value and high maintenance. This can of course go on for years (sometimes the whole life of your business).  Why do people get into this singapore interior designsituation?  The simple answer is FEAR. You may be afraid that you won’t find enough customers who value your services and you need to eat. You believe that more is better. The more clients you have, the more money you will make. In the pursuit of more and more clients, you find yourself in scenarios like these:  Being frantically busy, but not getting a lot of things that matter, done.  singapore interior designHaving lots of customers who hassle you, while you obliviously ignore the real gold mine clients who know you, like you, trust you and want to do even more business with you.  You keep responding to the clients making the most noise.  Your business growth is stagnant and you believe you just have to go and mass market to increase revenue. You wrestle with the alarm clock singapore interior designevery morning – and really don’t know why you’re in business anymore.  You equate your business with your life and you hate both!  SO HOW DO YOU EXPAND YOUR BUSINESS, MAKE MORE MONEY, AND HAVE A LIFE?  The first belief to shed is, “The more clients you have, the more money you will make.” While up to a point this is true, they have to be the “right” clients.  While a lot of your clients may be zombies, there will be a few who are nuggets of gold. These are the clients who know you, like you, trust you and want to do further business with you. Your job is to find these people, nurture the relationships and reap the rewards in a win-win way.  Remember, it takes 8-10 times more effort and money to gain a new client than to up-sell and cross-sell to an existing one.  If we follow the Pareto principle of the 80-20 rule, 20% of your clients will be creating 80% of your revenue. Another 20% will be creating 80% of your problems and 80% of your results will come from 20% of your work.  The trick is to find out which group is which, and spend your energy meeting the needs of the 20% who make you money, while gently, but firmly, sending on the rest to do business with your competitors!  DO YOU KNOW WHERE YOUR MONEY IS COMING FROM?  Write down a list of your singapore interior designtop ten clients. Do it in one minute – without referring to any external sources such as your palm pilot, database etc.  Write down your top ten pain in the rear clients. Same rules apply.  Now go through your sales figures by client and see if you were right. Naturally some of your top earners may well also be your top pains in the rear. This leads to some interesting choices.  You now have the opportunity to educate your clients in how you want them to do business with you. Yes, you heard right! The customer is not always right in the way he behaves, and you may need to set some boundaries. In some cases you may even decide that the aggravation is not worth the money, and that you would be better off gaining a new, singapore interior designbetter paying client who is a pleasure to work with. It’s all about having choice.  ARE YOU IN THE BUSINESS YOU THINK YOU’RE IN?  Look at why your clients buy from you. What is the emotional gain that triggers them to buy your product or service? For example, an insurance agent is in the peace of mind business. A travel agent is selling dreams, fun, romance, not tickets.  Once you have this information, you can take steps to design the business you want and not just leave it up to chance. Decide on what your ideal client profile is and stick to it.  One of the keys to being successful is to narrow your focus as to who is your ideal client.  In our case at Revealed Resources, our ideal clients are business owners who want to create their ideal business, are willing to work smarter and are accountable for their actions. They actively seek outt

